| Implement pow(x,n) | Implement pow(x, n), which calculates x raised to the power n (i.e., xn). Input Output x = 2.00000, n = 10 1024.00000 x = 2.10000, n = 3 9.26100 x = 2.00000, n = -2 0.25000 Notes Brute Force Approach 2^ 12 = 2 * 2^11 = 2* 2* 2^10 and so on.. This takes O(n) and could be...
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| Complete Binary Tree | Given the root of a binary tree, determine if it’s a complete binary tree. (Complete if u go left to right and its filled) Complete Tree Not Complete Tree Notes If you ever encounter a NULL node, you must not encounter a non NULL node after that in a Level Order Traversal, this is the definition of a complete Binary Tree. Traverse by level...
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| Custom Sort String | You are given two strings order and s. All the characters of order are unique and were sorted in some custom order previously. Permute the characters of s so that they match the order that order was sorted. More specifically, if a character x occurs before a character y in order, then x should occur before y in the permuted string. Return any permutation...
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| Simplify Path | Given a string path, which is an absolute path (starting with a slash ‘/’) to a file or directory in a Unix-style file system, convert it to the simplified canonical path. “/a/./” –> means stay at the current directory ‘a’ “/a/b/..” –> means jump to the parent directory from ‘b’ to ‘a’ ”////” –> consecutive multiple ‘/’ are a valid path, they are equivalent to...
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